Krungthai Bank has updated its human rights in accordance with the United Nations Framework and Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP). The Bank has realized its responsibility to respect human rights. Therefore, the UNGP has been applied as operational guidelines by taking into account the 3 key principles: “Protect” stakeholders’ human rights against abuse by implementing effective control policies, “Respect” human rights by taking into account any adverse impacts related to the Bank's business operations, including preventing violations of others' human rights, and 'Remedy' those who have been wronged by treating them fairly and thoroughly, as well as showing zero tolerance for gender inequality in the employment, in the workplace and in psychology. The Bank does not tolerate acts of verbal, physical, or sexual harassment in the field of psychology.
In addition, the Bank has adopted the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work as part of its partner selection process.