Customer Solutions
True to our vision statement “Growing Together for Sustainability”, we have been standing tall as the financial institution that always supports Thai people. We have been serving the people of all levels in Thailand and help our customers get through crises. Thus, we are acting as a pillar of Thai economy to help the government manoeuvre and drive Thai economy toward sustainable growth.
Disrupted by the rapid advancement of technology, businesses and industries are faced with drastic changes. As business models and consumer behavior change, we must also make radical changes to keep up with the situation. In order to ensure that we have the capability to fulfill customer needs, we have gone through organizational restructuring, digital transformation and process improvement, as well as creating new platforms to gain competitive edge, as well as supporting the implementation of government schemes. We aim to support digital businesses and roll out customer-centric financial products and services tailored to the needs of each customer segment.
X2G2X is our strategy to connect to our customers’ partners to find new potential customers through their value chain. G refers to the government as Krungthai Bank has been playing important roles in implementing and supporting the government’s policies. For example, we have been building e-payment infrastructure to ensure nationwide coverage and creating a cashless society as part of the national e-payment master plan. With our large customer base and partnership with the government, we have gathered big data that can be leveraged to support our business and explore new businesses in the future. For example, we provide supply chain financing for customers in the welfare card scheme including manufacturers, modern trade chains, wholesale stores, Blue Flag and local shops. We highly value using data to analyze customer behavior and needs to develop products and services that are truly catered for their needs.
Loan programs for SMEs: Krungthai Bank offers several loan programs that allow SMEs the access to source of fund, e.g. Krungthai sSME Smart Shop, Krungthai SMEs Single Account, Krungthai loan for tourism and related businesses, loan for partners of the government and state enterprises. Krungthai Bank has partnered with the Thai Credit Guarantee Corporation (TCG) who acts as a guarantor for business operators taking out loans under “Krungthai Be With SME” campaign which consists of various loan programs for SMEs in all industries and aims to provide them with revolving fund or funding for business expansion. The campaign targets a wide range of industries including manufacturing, service, wholesale, retail, agricultural as well as import and export businesses. Krungthai Bank also offers specifically-designed loan programs for customers in certain industries, e.g. construction and tourism, as well as loan programs to finance the adoption of industrial robots and AI technology in the manufacturing industry. Furthermore, Krungthai Bank provides training in managing a single financial account, as well as offering low-interest loans, to SMEs that signed up for the single financial account scheme.
To support our retail customers to grow and generate sustainable profits, Krungthai Bank carry out several campaigns and projects, including expanding our customer base through government schemes and improving the efficiency of all our service channels -- branches, virtual teller machines and mobile applications -- to ensure that our service channels cover and meet all customers’ needs. We also provides housing loan programs for low-income households.
Financial Market Products and Services: Krungthai Bank has developed several sustainability-linked products and services in the financial market segment. Examples are as follows:
- iSTOXX® Global Transformation IXGTRSND Index Linked Note: The new index linked note is the first product of its kind in Thailand that focuses the investment in companies riding the 4 megatrends - connected world, industry 4.0 innovation, alternative energy and healthcare - and adhering to the ESG principles e.g. Verizon, one of the leading 5G providers; Pfizer, a Covid-19 vaccine manufacturer; and Gilead Sciences, the manufacturer of covid-19 product Remdesivir. The note offers full principal protection and sustainable returns.
- The 5-year THB denominated Krungthai SOLUX10F Luxury Index Linked Note was offered to institutional and high net worth investors. The note’s minimum investment requirement was 5 million baht and it offers full principal protection. Its returns are tied to the performance of luxury stocks in Solactive Luxury Dynamic Factors Index (SOLUX10F) provided by the German provider of financial indices, Solactive AG.
- The 5-year Krungthai Solactive Global Artificial Intelligence ESG (SOAIESG5) comes with full principal protection and returns based on stock performance of SOAIESG5 index. The index is composed of big AI tech companies that satisfy ESG criteria such as Alphabet (Google’s parent company), Meta (formerly Facebook), eBay, Tencent, Alibaba and Zoom, as well as leading companies in hardware technology, such as NVIDIA, Pure Storage and Intel.
Krungthai Care social media channels are our way to communicate news about our products and services as well as government relief schemes such as “Chim Shop Chai” (Eat, Shop, Spend), “Rao Mai Ting Gun” (No One Will Be Left Behind) and “Rao Tiew Duay Kan” (We Travel Together). We have been integrating more and more lifestyle content into our social media. Especially during the COVID-19 outbreak, we had several campaigns to engage more with users, for example, the campaign “#WeStayBesideStreetFoodRestaurants” to put street vendors and diners who were affected by the outbreak in a place under a spotlight. The campaign was a success as its hashtag topped the Twitter trend. Thanks to the social media content that is empathetic and appealing to customers, we have reached 2.6 million followers on Facebook fanpage, 32.3 million on our LINE official account and over 31,000 on Instagram and 92,000 on Twitter.