Corporate Governance
Good corporate governance practices are central to Krungthai’s culture and business conduct. As a financial institution, we prioritize this for several reasons. Firstly, it establishes a proper risk management framework, which is essential for stability and sustainability. Secondly, it promotes transparency, accountability, and responsible decision-making, building stakeholder confidence. Thirdly, it ensures compliance with laws and regulations, mitigating reputational damage and legal action. Fourthly, it enhances the bank's reputation, establishing it as trustworthy, reliable, and responsible. Lastly, it focuses on promoting long-term sustainability by focusing on creating long-term value for stakeholders rather than short-term gains.
Krungthai Bank places great importance on conducting its business with transparency, honesty, and fairness in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance. The Bank strives to be an efficient organisation with excellence in business, based on ethical responsibility, taking into account all stakeholders, and guided by ESG principles, which encompass Environmental, Social, and Governance considerations. The Bank’s corporate culture emphasizes non-corruption (through its Zero Tolerance campaign) and fair customer service (through its Market Conduct policies), which are concretely embodied in every operational process. Moreover, the Bank is committed to continued business development and aims to contribute to the benefit of society by reducing inequality and promoting sustainable growth across all sectors of society.
The Board of Directors places a high priority on adhering to the principles and guidelines of good corporate governance, while also integrating sustainability dimensions into the banking culture and operations. This approach ensures that the Bank’s business operations are managed efficiently, transparently, and reliably. Moreover, it encourages all directors, executives, and employees at all levels to comply with the corporate governance policy, which fosters a culture of good governance within the organisation and raises the Bank’s corporate governance standards to meet international best practices. By adhering to the CARPETS corporate governance principle, which serves as a guideline for the Bank’s executives and employees, the Bank is committed to its vision of “Growing Together for SUSTAINABILITY” and to becoming one of the leading banks that promote the sustainable development of society and the nation.
Director Nomination Policy
The person taking the Director position shall pass the nomination procedures of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee as stipulated by law and good corporate governance principles. The proportion and composition of the Board of Directors are taken into consideration during the nomination process. The Committee considers candidates from various sources, including the Director Pool and nominations from shareholders. This is to ensure that the Committee nominates candidates with expertise that matches the required skill matrix derived from the Bank’s present and future missions and strategies, as well as sustainable growth. The candidates must not possess any of the prohibited characteristics as stipulated in the regulations of relating authorities and of the Bank. Therefore, the Board of Directors consists of a group of persons with diverse qualifications in terms of skills, experience and expertise that are beneficial to the Bank. The Board shall be composed of at least 1 person having knowledge or working experience related to the commercial banking business, at least 1 person in accounting and finance, and at least 1 person in information technology. Personal differences in religion, culture, ethnic, nationality, gender, age, etc. shall not be grounds for discrimination or limitation for holding the office of director. The Nomination Committee shall consider the qualifications of the Bank’s Directors as follows
- Must possess director qualifications as specified in the Public Limited Companies Act, Financial Institutions Businesses Act, Standard Qualifications of Directors and State Enterprise Employees Act, Securities and Exchange Act, Royal Decree Regulating on Electronic Payment Services, laws and regulations of the regulatory agencies related to the business operation and regulations of the Bank as well as no unreliable characteristic according to the notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand.
- Have knowledge and expertise according to the skill matrix specified by the Bank which is derived from the Bank’s mission and strategy. Hence, the Board of Directors shall be composed of persons with diverse qualifications such as skills, experiences and specialized abilities. The Board of Directors must consist of at least one person with knowledge or experience related to commercial banking business, at least one person with knowledge or experience related to accounting and at least one person with knowledge or experience related to information technology.
- Able to perform duties, independently express their opinions, and dedicate sufficient time to perform duties.
Holding positions in other companies
- Holding a director or an executive director position in other companies in no more than 3 businesses.
- Holding a director position in no more than 5 listed companies in Thailand or abroad (including Krungthai Bank Public Company Limited but excluding companies from debt restructuring)
Board Skill Matrix
Performance Evaluation and Compensation for CEO and Top Executive Officers
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee has the responsibility to ensure that the Chief Executive Officer, the executives at the level of Executive Vice the Chief Executive Officer or higher, and persons with management authority of the Bank receive remuneration that is appropriate to their duties and responsibilities. The appropriate remuneration shall be presented to the Board of Director annually for approval under transparent, clear and fair criteria and procedures, as well as the Bank’s competitiveness compared to other leading financial institutions and companies in Thailand. This is in accordance with the Performance Driven Organization (PDO) policy leading to long-term sustainable success of the Bank’s strategic plan, which aligns with both short-term and long-term strategies. Performance indicators are based on 7 strategic focus areas, covering financial metrics, the creation of new business models under a parallel strategy of aircraft carriers and speedboats, process improvement and development to enhance the bank’s competitiveness, increasing customer satisfaction, business expansion through customer partners with the X2G2X strategy centered on the public sector and connecting through business partners and individual customers with effective technology, and sustainable success indicators such as creating value through business extensions with customer partners, driving organizational efficiency through digital and data, developing platforms for new growth dimensions, conducting business according to ESG principles, developing future work capabilities, upgrading the core technology infrastructure, and reforming the culture and instilling new working methods for a flexible and agile organization.
Financial Metric |
Non-Financial Metric |
Net Profit |
ESG and sustainable green financing |
Total Income |
Revamp corporate banking business |
% Cost to Income |
Monetization through ecosystem |
Loan Growth |
Leverage digital and data to drive efficiency |
%Coverage |
Launch new growth platforms |
%NPL |
Transform culture |
Build future ready capabilities |
Upgrade core technology infrastructure |
Krungthai Bank is committed to conduct our business responsibly and enhance our positive impacts on economy, society, and environment by networking with both national and international organizations or trade associations. The Bank has engaged and become a member of various organizations and alliances dedicated to advancing the financial institution system and promoting sustainability. By participating in these networks, the Bank can exchange experiences, develop operational systems with member organizations.
The Bank makes careful consideration with regards to contribution/collaboration with networks of associations and organizations in accordance with the Corporate Governance Policy to achieve transparency and alignment with sustainable development guideline, reviewing process of internal governance bodies and committee are in-place such as Sustainability Management Committee and the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee. The Bank aims to make contributions to associations and organizations that demonstrate the potential to strengthen and support public policies, rules and regulations, with no lobbying activities or support. The Bank does not make any monetary or resource contributions to political parties or other organizations or individuals involved in politics. These associations and organizations assist policy and sustainable growth for Thailand.
By Type of Support
Activities |
Amount (Baht) |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Lobbying, interest representation or similar activities |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Local, regional or national political campaigns/organizations/candidates |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Trade association or tax-exempt group |
12,433,761 |
10,490,778 |
31,515,597 |
31,790,150 |
Other (Support for spending related to voting or referendum) |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Total |
12,433,761 |
10,490,778 |
31,515,597 |
31,790,150 |
Associations Supported by the Bank
Association/Agency |
Amount (Baht) |
2020 |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
The Thai Bankers' Association (TBA) |
11,065,771 |
9,135,328 |
14,168,646 |
17,311,489 |
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) |
- |
- |
13,418,904 |
11,652,503 |
International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. |
1,004,190 |
991,650 |
1,154,300 |
1,188,590 |
Thai Bond Market Association |
310,300 |
310,300 |
1,899,146 |
814,818 |
Thai Financial Planners Association |
53,500 |
53,500 |
874,600 |
822,750 |
Krung Thai Bank is actively participating in and promoting various initiatives that are driving public policy on climate change and emphasize on being a part of- and engagement that driving the national net zero target. Hence, the Bank has officially joined the Thai Carbon Neutral Network (TCNN) and participated as a supporting organization of the network for the year 2024 while nominates representatives to join relevant climate change committee and climate impact mitigation working groups. This collaboration marks a significant step in enhancing cooperative efforts towards driving greenhouse gas reduction and progressing towards net-zero emissions of both governmental agencies and private sector.
The Thai Carbon Neutral Network (TCNN) is an association established by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization). Its objective is to promote cooperation among the governmental sector, private sector, and local communities in enhancing greenhouse gas reduction efforts. The network aims to foster sustainable societal growth that is climate-friendly and strives towards achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with the global community's goals as outlined in the Paris Agreement on climate change.