Convenient with one system for all transactions

Risk-free with history of transactions check facility

Secured with International standard at 24 hours

Log in Krungthai Corporate Online

Service details
- Payment
- Billing
- Information management
- Cash flow management
Required documents
For juristic persons
- Complete Krungthai Corporate Online application form
- Meeting report stating request for Krungthai Corporate Online service
- A copy of juristic person registration issued by the registrar no later than 6 months from the application date
- Power of attorney certificate (if applicable)
- A copy of national identification card, government officer card or state officer employee card of the authorised signatory.
For government/ state of enterprise organizations
- Complete Krungthai Corporate Online application form
- Request for service form signed by the person of authority or attorney for to be used as meeting report
- Power of attorney certificate (if applicable)
- A copy of national identification card, government officer card or state officer employee card of the authorised signatory
- The appointment letter to appoint the organization’s person of authority
General business owners
- Complete Krungthai Corporate Online application form
- A copy of national identification card
At the branch where your account registered or with your dedicated bank officers.
For bill payment , receive money transfer, check financial information and manage financial business operations.
- The bank will notify you of Company ID after successful applications . If Company ID not received, please contact the branch you applied for the service.
- The bank will send User ID via e-mails registered on application form .
- The bank will send password via e-mails registered on application form .
Yes, if the company wish for “ single “ approval authority . The application form submitted to the bank must clearly request for “Company user single “ type which allow login to USER-single 1 and instantly launch service.
After successful application , the bank grant the right to system access for 2 administrators (Admin 1&2) as indicated in the application form , other names can be added by administrators later.