Krungthai Corporate Online

Krungthai Corporate Online

Maximize your business potentiality with 24 hours self-financial management
Convenient with one system for all transactions
Risk-free with history of transactions check facility
Secured with International standard at 24 hours
Krungthai Corporate Online
Service details
  • Payment
  • Billing
  • Information management
  • Cash flow management
Easy to apply at the branch of customer’s account or with your dedicated bank officers.
Required documents
For juristic persons
  • Complete Krungthai Corporate Online application form
  • Meeting report stating request for Krungthai Corporate Online service
  • A copy of juristic person registration issued by the registrar no later than 6 months from the application date
  • Power of attorney certificate (if applicable)
  • A copy of national identification card, government officer card or state officer employee card of the authorised signatory.
For government/ state of enterprise organizations
  • Complete Krungthai Corporate Online application form
  • Request for service form signed by the person of authority or attorney for to be used as meeting report
  • Power of attorney certificate (if applicable)
  • A copy of national identification card, government officer card or state officer employee card of the authorised signatory
  • The appointment letter to appoint the organization’s person of authority
General business owners
  • Complete Krungthai Corporate Online application form
  • A copy of national identification card


At the branch where your account registered or with your dedicated  bank officers. 

For bill payment , receive money transfer, check financial information and manage financial business operations.

  1. The bank  will notify you of  Company ID  after successful applications . If Company ID not received, please contact the branch you applied for the service.
  2. The bank will send User ID via e-mails registered on application form .
  3. The bank will send password via e-mails registered on application form .

Yes, if the company wish for “ single “ approval authority  .  The application form submitted to the bank must clearly request for “Company user single “ type which allow login to USER-single 1 and instantly launch service. 

After successful application  , the bank grant the right to system access for 2 administrators (Admin 1&2) as indicated in the application form , other names can be added by administrators later. 

Where can we apply for Krungthai corporate online service?

At the branch where your account registered or with your dedicated  bank officers. 

What are services offered by Krungthai Corporate Online?

For bill payment , receive money transfer, check financial information and manage financial business operations.

What do we need to log in to the system?

  1. The bank  will notify you of  Company ID  after successful applications . If Company ID not received, please contact the branch you applied for the service.
  2. The bank will send User ID via e-mails registered on application form .
  3. The bank will send password via e-mails registered on application form .

Can the bank automatically allocate company user for the company?

Yes, if the company wish for “ single “ approval authority  .  The application form submitted to the bank must clearly request for “Company user single “ type which allow login to USER-single 1 and instantly launch service. 

What service we get?

After successful application  , the bank grant the right to system access for 2 administrators (Admin 1&2) as indicated in the application form , other names can be added by administrators later.