Choose your preferred maturity term or term period
from 7 - 365 days

At its maturity, the deposits are renewed automatically under the same term.
Receive an interest at the term of maturity

Receive an interest at maturity date
at the rate announced by the Bank

What you should know
Minimum required amount is 50,000 baht for every deposit and no part withdrawal of the deposit is allowed.
Easy to apply.
Documents for opening an account
- Certificate of business registration not more than 6 months validity
- Minute of Meeting or Letter for request opening bank account
- Memorandum of Association
Certified documents by registrar within 6 months validity
- BOJ 3 Form Company Registration
- BOJ 4 Form Amendments and / or special resolutions (if any)
- BOJ 5/BOJ 6 Form Copy of shareholder list or documents showing the shareholding issued by government agencies
Identification Document of related persons
The Signer of account opening and Authorized signatory
- Limited company requires valid National identification smart card (Foreigner use passport)
Public company requires valid National identification smart card (Foreigner use passport)
If not available, please use a card issued by government agencies with photo and national Identification number e.g. Official, State enterprise, Government employee identification card, Passport, Driving license
Every Authorized representative of juristic person. Top management Real beneficiary (Individuals with 25% of shareholder or more in the company)
If not available, please use identification document of business authorization. Top Management uses valid National identification card (Foreigner uses copy of passport) and certify copy
The Signer of account opening and Authorized signatory