
Promoting financial inclusion and financial literacy

Krungthai emphasizes promoting financial inclusion and financial literacy as part of its social responsibility duties. We are committed to providing convenient, secure, and fast access to a variety of financial services for all. That means ensuring transparency, equal accessibility, as well as adequate information for the customers to be able to make well-informed decisions in selecting financial products that meet their needs.The Bank acknowledges the indispensability of instilling financial literacy and financial discipline among its customers and the public to ensure mutual long-term stability and prosperity. These driving forces not only foster individual and business wealth but also contribute to reducing non-performing loans (NPL), promoting inclusive prosperity, and supporting the Bank's sustainable business growth, partnerships, and stakeholders. Ultimately, this creates a long lasting positive impact on society.

The Bank believes in the significance of ensuring that everyone has equal access to financial services and increasing financial literacy. This is not merely a matter of being socially responsible, but it also underlines the crucial role and responsibility that financial institutions should have in reducing inequality through the distribution of opportunities and supporting Thailand’s economy in the long run.

Broadening accessibility to financial products and services

Digital lending products available on Krungthai NEXT

access to credit for low-income individuals and small business owners with a demonstrated transaction history on Krungthai Bank's service platforms, including Krungthai NEXT, Pao Tang, or Tung Ngern. This service is also beneficial for those who have mobility constraints and wish to conduct transactions without the need to rely on the Bank's branch.

Financial Literacy

Krungthai acknowledges the significance of resolving the persistent financial issues encountered by the public. The Bank recognizes that financial literacy and discipline can enable individuals to safeguard themselves against needless expenses and mitigate potential financial hazards. To address this, Krungthai has established training sessions and disseminated knowledge to a variety of customer groups, including government employees, bank employees, communities, and the general public. The Bank employs various modes and materials, including financial knowledge, financial innovation, industry insight, and digital financial systems, to equip customers and business owners with the essential tools to manage their finances effectively. The Bank's primary goal is to empower customers and business owners to manage their financial lives competently and productively, now and in the future.

Krungthai is committed to promoting financial literacy among all its customers and the general public. To achieve this, the Bank offers financial education on its website, www.krungthai.com, and continuously through Krungthai Care Facebook page. The Bank delivers financial planning content in the form of infographics, which are designed to make it easy for readers to comprehend and learn. Through these initiatives, the Bank aims to provide accessible and understandable financial knowledge to its customers and the general public, equipping them with the necessary tools to manage their finances effectively.