Krungthai e-BPP

Krungthai e-BPP

Check any outstanding debts and conveniently settle payment with Krungthai e-BPP
Never miss any outstanding debts
Convenient for 24 hours approval and payment
Free result tracking with email and sms
Secured with connected system between the business partner and bank
Krungthai e-BPP
Service features
To facilitate the checking on any outstanding debts and payment of products and services with Krungthai bank service.
Fee rates
Up to the service provider companies
Easy to apply
  • Apply with service providers or the Bank.
  • Fill up the application form for service and surrender letter for direct debit for good and service payment via Corporate Group payment (CGP). Then, select “Krungthai e-BPP service“
  • Identify the payer ID and account number
  • Clearly state the conditions of transaction approval
  • Choose the notification of transaction via Email / SMS


2 service types available

  • Auto Approve : Instant debiting
  • Pre-Approve : Check for amount of outstanding debts and allow money deduction via Krungthai Corporate Online .

The system for checking on any outstanding debts and payment of products and services with via Krungthai Corporate Online

How does each direct debit get deducted?

2 service types available

  • Auto Approve : Instant debiting
  • Pre-Approve : Check for amount of outstanding debts and allow money deduction via Krungthai Corporate Online .

What is Krungthai e-BPP?

The system for checking on any outstanding debts and payment of products and services with via Krungthai Corporate Online