24 hours available, easy and convenient

24 hours available, easy and convenient

Secured with international standard

Real-time tracking data

Service |
Service fee |
Enrollment fee |
200,000 Baht |
Processing fee
25 Baht each Any amount exceeding 30,000 baht will be charged at 0.1%, but will not exceed 1,000 Baht / item |
Service fee |
Enrollment fee |
200,000 Baht |
Processing fee
25 baht each Any amount exceeding 30,000 Baht will be charged at 0.1% , but will not exceed 1,000 Baht / item |
Merchant service facility offers easy and convenient payment channels via Krungthai bank services. The merchant is required to apply for this following services.
- Krungthai NEXT and Krungthai Visa Debit Card (for individuals)
- Krungthai Corporate Online (for juristic persons)
Required documents
- Meeting report of juristic person committees stating the request to apply for bill payment service with the Bank. If the government departments / organizations or state enterprise organizations apply for the Krungthai Bill payment service, the request for service letter must be signed by the highest authority person or attorney.
- Copy of memorandum association and organizations’ terms and conditions
- Copy of juristic person registration letter (with the date of issue less than one month from application date) issued by the registrar of the Ministry of Commerce
- Power of attorney letter (if applicable)
- Copy of national identification card, government officer card or state enterprise employee card of the authorized signatory.
- Photo of current or saving account books
- MOU agreement for Krungthai Bill Payment of the bank or the MOU agreement for Krungthai Bill Payment written by the applicants which are already agreed by the bank and / or Krungthai Bill Payment application form specifies details of good and services bill payment via various banking channels and service fees. The agreements must be signed by the highest authority person or attorney person and stamped with the company’s seal (if applicable). Also, all documents from clause 1-6 must be signed to certify true copies of original documents.