Roots of Stability
Proper business practice is vital for today’s corporate governance, especially for commercial bank business involving many shareholders. The commercial bank have to maintain its Good Corporate Governance throughout its sectors to make sure all shareholders involved are well maintained, to minimize the impact on the shareholder’s business and the overall economy. We, Krung Thai Bank, the largest government subsidiary bank, consider the importance of a proper business practice, therefore, emphasize on this importance throughout every sectors of our business, making it a corporate culture for everyone.
The board of directors assigns corporate governance and corporate social responsibility team to determine evaluating plans and strategies for corporate governance measurement, which we frequently adjust, including monitor and improve it according to good corporate governance locally and abroad reaching international standard.
The Bank has also established Whistle Blowing Policy allowing stakeholders to report any misconduct of directors, managements, employees of the Bank and its affiliates through various channels, whether the misconduct is corruption; or violation of the law, the Bank’s regulations or regulations of external regulators. Stakeholders can also directly report to the Chairman of the Board of Directors by sending an e-mail to whistletruth@ktb.co.th. The whistle blower will be anonymous and will be protected during and after the process.